Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Food Change

I just realised my low mood the past week is probably due to PMS or Pre-Menstrual Syndrome. I thought it was due to a change in diet, which was not really that drastic actually.

I am not sure what diet I am on but it involves supposedly cutting down on caffeine and sugar which I did not successfully do for the first week. I managed to get started on eating brown rice and organic baby oats and I am definitely successful with drinking apple cider vinegar with honey before I eat my two main meals. Next week I will be taking wheat grass capsules for added vitamins an minerals.

Today Rah told me I should take raw food, pause here, I'll eat my Chinese pear, and eat fish oil and protein. Then I should be all right, it is another simple diet I can probably maintain. I think I should cut some celery and carrot sticks to eat with some dip. Also always slice a tomato to go with my meals, either with cucumber and salad.

I haven't been thinking of my diet for a long time and it is nice to see a change. But today I made an Indian treat ghulab jamun, it was unsuccessful. But the balls have been mostly eaten. I cannot stomach anymore of these sweets, I had four balls.

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